Bhamini Vilas - Page 146

Bhamini Vilas - Page 146

-Mark how the poet speaks of those who discount the
worth of his poetry. काव्यारविन्द eto. - काव्यान्येव अगरविन्दानि, तेषां
मकरन्दे मधुवना इव मधुत्रना:. WY ho are as fond of the रसऽ of poems
as bees are of the juiee of lotus fowers. धास्यसितमाम्-अनिशयेन
a a ah k How many. It is Acc, plu. Compare Vs. 8 of the
Vs. a-A very charm-
ing woman.
चानिसुन्दरे '-विश्व. मुढबि + घा- To give delight, The idea of the
irst half of the verse is:
41-FIaa-In person, itself.
Fem. of वाम--Beautiful. बामे सव्ये प्रनीपे च द्रविण
Honey, grapes, nectar, etc, possess
sweetness, no doubt. Bat it is not impossible that one or the
other of them may at times be not liked or relished by some.
There may be people who do not like, or have lost the liking
for, them. Surely. aa a The is added to show
piby mixed with denunciation. जगन्नाथभणितिः- The utt erance
of Jagannātha. Mark the self-conscious vein of the stanza.
On reading these verses, one cannot help wondering wheth-
er Jagannatha knew that इन्द्रोऽपि लघुतां याति स्वयं प्रख्यापयन यणान्.
What would Bhartrbari have said about
for in bis opinion Aagaa is nothing short of a sin ? of.
कृतं वीतत्र डे्निजयुणकथापातकमपि %3 Bhart. 3. 86.
ever, does not seem to be severely alone in this respect, ef.
3ayadeva's words about himself : विलासो यद्वाचामसमरसनिष्यन्दमधुर:
कुरङ्गाक्षीबिम्बाधरमधुरभावं गमयनि । कवीन्द्रः: कोण्डिन्यः स नव जयदेवः अवणयोर-
यासीदतिथ्यं न किमिह महादेवतनयः ॥ Pra R. 1. 14.
these etanzas,
Jagannātha, how-
Vs, 42.-मार्मिक:- मर्म जान'तीति मार्मिक:. One who knows the
secret, अन्यन्नपाक etc.-अ्यन्नं णकेन ( परिणत्या ) द्रवन्त्याः मृद्वीकायाः
मधुमाधुगीमदः ( मधुन: माधुर्येण जनितो मद: ), तस्य परीहारे ( निरसनकर्मणि)
The whole phrase is in apposition to
a. The idea is essentially the same as that in the third pāda
of Vs, 38. परीहार-he इ in परि is lengthened according to the
sutra उपसर्गस्य घञ्यमनुष्ये बहुलम् ।--Pan. 6. 8. 122. उद्धर-Lit., One
उद्धुराः ( समर्थाः ), नासाम् ।
who has thrown off the yoke; hence, bold enough, powerful
ওnough. संमुखे माहृशास्-In the presence of men like me Note

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Last Updated : June 02, 2021

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