Bhamini Vilas - Page 121

Bhamini Vilas - Page 121

the mouth ot the wicked is really a she-serpent; for, those
whom their tongue bites never survive, 1 Fiu Do not
zurvive; People bitten by the tongue of the wieked are roined;
their good name as well as every trait of charecter they prize
most is lost. Cf. जाडयं हीमनि गण्यते eto. Bhart. 1. 48. अमन्त्रा:-
Ordiuary serpents can be overpowered, or their poisor nentra-
lized, by the aid of charms, Bat this she-serpect in the month
of the wicked is so uncommoalv deadly that there are no
charms to restrain her or neutralize her pcison
The post bere refers to the babit of wicked men of back-
biting end eensuzing others. (Bhartzhsri refers to the
&s आक्षेपक्षाक्षन्ुखरमुखा; 1. 79 ) 1ei ietims are se to saer
on eccount of this ooremitting propagarda sgainst therm. of.
अद्े खलभुजङगस्य विचित्रोउयं अधक्रमः ! अन्यस्य ऋुश्दि श्रेत्रमन्यः पणैशियुयज्यने ॥
The 2zebre is मालभारिणी.
मालभारिणीयम ।
विदमे तजे नमे नगे नाविदमस्त्येण तु
Vs. 111,-The poet naw spproprictely winds up his
tzibute (1) to a ga wish a vote of tianks In this verie, he
refers to some action on the part of the a7. 3a -igh,
Noble. There is bitter irony in the whole of this verse. The
poet apparently compiiments and thanks the wicked man, but
he really means to aay,
Thoa hast thereby earned only infamy. And we shall ba carg-
ing thee as iong as we live, "
मयिता भषता परम्। विदघदीद्ृशमेव सदा सखे पुखिनमास्सव ननः शरदं शतम् ॥
(बहुभिरपकारैस्ताप्यमानस्योक्तिरियम् । शब्दव्याचारविचार )
* What a wicked dead thou hast donel
cf. उपकृतं बहू तत्र क्रिप्ुच्यते जुजनता
Ve. 112.-अविरतम्-Adv.Oomp. Ineesssntiy. चरिमलशारड़ ete.-
The light of the clear autamnal moon. In autumn the moon
shines at ber best for the sky is ideally clear at the time. Fame
must be spotless i. e. white without any blot, Hence fame is
often compared with moonlight on account of its whiteness-
and pleasantness as well a -The moon; derived from the
rt. a to be glad, to shine (K. G.)

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Last Updated : June 02, 2021

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