Bhamini Vilas - Page 88

Bhamini Vilas - Page 88

and unbecoming it is for a bee who has enjoyed the juice of
celestial flowers to think of transferring himeelf to another
and, indeed, less fragrant fower ! The metre is nai.
The idea is the same as in verse 9 8bove.
ys. 22.-नटिनी - river, विन्ध्यसुव :-विन्ध्याद् भ्रूः (जन्म ) यस्याः
सा विन्ध्यभूः तस्याः.
The Vindhya mountain is one of the and therefore
B2cred. ef. महेन्द्रो मलयः सह्यः शक्तिमानृक्षपर्वतः 1 विभ्व्यश्च पारियात्रश्च सप्तैने
Fari: 1a. g. The river lowing from the Vindhya has a noble
parentage. 2A street. The poet asks whether it is worthy
of a river holy in itself and fowing from the sacred Vindhya
Whose source is in the Vindhya mountain.
to receive anto itself dirty streetwater even while it ( the
iver) is drying up ? The metre is उपगीति आर्यापरार्धतुल्ये दलद्वये
प्राहुरुपगीनिम् ।
One, born in a noble family and himself endowed, besides
with good qualities, should never stoop, even under adverse
eircumstances, so low as to live by unworthy means or help
proffered by unworthy men.
The idea is broadly the same as
that of verse 2 above.
-4thorn. शूकोऽस्त्री श्लक्षणतीक्ष्णाग्रे '- अमर. ब्बुर-
Fs. 23.-ूक :
The Babbool tree, known as ana in Marathi and aaa in
Gujarati. The tree is all thorns with a sprinkling of tiny
leaves on the branches. There is, as the poet puts it here, no
attraction in the Babbool which may draw men into its vici-
nity: rather its thorns serve to turn them away!
One must be free from positive defects and must be endow-
ed with good qualities before one may expect to draw the
attention of others. Get,nothing-but injury, is a proposition
which none will countenance.
Vs. 24 गहनम्-A forest, कल:- A sweet but, inartioulate
sound; here, the cooing of bhe cuckoo.. 'मधुरास्फुटे कल: '-अमर.
साजात्यम्-समान जातिः सजानिः तस्या भावः साजात्यम् . The state of having

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Last Updated : June 02, 2021

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