Bhamini Vilas - Page 124

Bhamini Vilas - Page 124

লन्ति दन्तयोग्नन्ति कुआरम् । केशेषु चमरीं घ्नन्ति सीत्रि पुष्कलको हतः ॥
( सीमन्-musk ).
The exquisite fragrance is a rioh possession of musk, but it
is very dearly bought at the cost of the life of its father.
The metre is मालिनी.
Vs. 121,-करुमनि-क्रुस्सिता मनिः Evil intelleot, an evil freme
of mixd. अवस्-sin. चुलुककीकरोनि-Destroys. दूरीकरोति and the other
verbs are Eव forms izom दूर etc, आ + तन्-to bring about. f.
जाडयं घियो हरन सिश्चनि वाचि सभ्यं मानोन्त्रतिं दिशनि पापमपाकरोति । चेतः प्रसाद -
यनि दिक्षु ननोति कीर्नि लत्सङ्गनिः कथय किं न करोनि पुंसाम ॥ Bhar. I. 28.
V३, 122.-अनवरत e:c,- अनवरने (incessantly) परोपकरणे क्यग्री-
भवन्ति (ब्यापरयमःणनि ) अमलानि चेतांसि येषां, नेवारू चेतसाम् । The good
are elways thinking ef doirg good to others. a a a a aha i-Like
medieine, the words of the good may be bitter apparently, but
they are wholescme in reality.
V. !23.-उयाতजनमधुकर ०:०,-उराशुजता ( रटनाम् ) मधुकराणां पुआ:
(समूहः) तेत्रां मञ्जूनि गीनानि यस्यां, ता ( न्तुনिम ) । Bulogy consisting of
the sweet drones of humming bees. The poet fancies that the
bees haa :be praises of breas. उदयल्नयानिरेकात् उद्यन्द् ये नयः
(विनयः) नस्य अतिरेकात्-Thzough ०verflo wing modesty wbich
arcse ( in the trees ). Like all good man, the trees felt very
modest on hearing their own praises. e etc.-a a
आ आभुमीतलघ; अःभरूमीतलं नताः कन्धराः (ग्रीवाः) येषाम् , तानि । Which have
bent their necks low down to the surface of the earth. aa-
হ-A tres, कुटम्बकानि-Olumps, knots, clusters.
The metre is प्रह्षिणी.
Vs, 124.-लिप्सा-लब्धुमिच्छा. Desiderative Abs. n. trom the
rt. लभू. कृपण-A miser. द्त्सा-Desi.derative Abs. n. from ता
to give. Mr. Tight-ist feeling inclined to be liberal !-Well,
says Jagannatha, one has never heard of suoh a thing before.
AHrim-An adulteress: a faithless woman. pka-Orooked,
schemer. दृष्टपूर्वी-पूर्वै दृष्टा. Seen bekore,

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Last Updated : June 02, 2021

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