Bhamini Vilas - Page 145

Bhamini Vilas - Page 145

प्रणयने ( निर्माणे ) पटवः- olerer in composing poems. मृद्दीकामध्य eमbe.-
मृहीकायाः ( द्राक्षायाः ) मध्यात् निर्यन ( निःत्रवन् ) यो मसतुणः ( कोमल: ) रस: ,
तस्य झरी (प्रवहः ), तस्याः माधुर्वा: भाग्यं ( सुभग-वननिशर्य वा ) भजन्नीति
तासां, The whole phrase is in धpposition to बाचाम्- अoxdis
which are as exceedingly sweet as the juice flowing from the
interior of grapes. aaha-Mastery over speech, In this
stanza, the poet singles out gigi ae the outstanding quality of
his poetry. A: for what aigi is and how far' Jegannātha's-
claim is sustained by his poems, see the Introduction.
Vs. 38.-गिरां देवी- The goddess of speecb i. e. सरस्वनी. वीणा
etc.णायाः गुगाना ( तन्त्र णाम् ) रणने ( बादने ) हीनाइरः करो यस्याः सा.
Sarasvati is r.presented as holting a fOTn in one of her hands.
cf, बीणापुम्नकधारिणीमभयदां जड्यान्धकारापहाम् । ete. यदीयानास् ९tc.-
Jagannātha, boldly asserts that Sarasvati is s0 mach attracted
by the sweetness of his poet ry that she kaves play ng upon the
Viņā aside and enjoys his ( Jagan.ā:ha's ) pvetry. 4.03ana-
Of Jagannātha. However much out of good taste it may be
to mention one's greatness, here, at least, Jagannātha may be
excused the use of the word qf a a about himself, for he may
be referring to the title qf a a which he had receiv7ed from
the Emperor Shaha I ehan. अधुन्व- न धुन्वन्. धुन्वन्-
g5 con., to shake, to nod. The shakig of the bead indicates
the appreciat.on of good qualities, e. g., of music, poems, etc.
cf. आकर्ण्य भ्रूपाल यशस्त्वदीयं विधूनयनन्नीह न के शिरासति | विश्वेभगमङ्ग्भयेन
धात्रा नाकारि कणों भुजगेश्वरस्य ॥ नृपशु: - ना एव पश्चु:. A human beast.
qgaa-God Šiva, s0 called because he is the lord of all created
beings. of. पशूनां पतये नमः |-Y i. veda, ( शनरुद्रीयाध्याय ।.
swestness of Jaganrātha's po: me is, as the poet claims, so
pronounced that only beasts which have no atsthetie sensibility,
and Pas'upati, i, e., any one who has transcended worldly
attractions, cannot, or would not appreciate it. cf. gaaa
गीतेन युत्त नां च लीलया । यस्य नो द्रबते चिन स वै पुक्तोऽथवा पञ्ुः |।
Pres. p. of
V3. 40.-Jaganı ā ba addresses his own Genius of speech.
अनादूरः-Denunciafion, Disparagement, मात्सर्य- Jealousy. खला-

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Last Updated : June 02, 2021

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