Bhamini Vilas - Page 64

Bhamini Vilas - Page 64

बिशुद्धेऽस्मिन्नात्मामृतलरसि नैराश्यशिशिरे
विगाहन्ते दूरीकृतकलुप जालाः सुकृतिनः ॥ २१ ॥
वन्धोन्मुनचै खलु मखसुखान्कुर्वते कर्मपाशा-
नन्तः शान्त्यै मुनिशतमतानल्पचिन्तां भजन्ते ।
रतरथि मज्जन्त्यशुभजलधेः पारमारोहुकामाः
सर्व प्रामादिकमिह भवभ्रान्तिभाजां नराणाम् ॥ २२ ॥
प्रथमं चुम्वितचरणा जङ्गाजानूरुनाभिहृद्यानि ।
आलिङ्ग्य भावना मे खेलतु विष्णो्मुखाव्जशोभायाम् ॥२३॥
मलयानिलकालकूटयो रमणीकुन्तलभोगिभोगयोः ।
श्वपचात्मभुवोरनिरन्तरा मम भूयात्परमात्मनि स्थितिः ॥ २४ ॥
break throngh the fetters forged of Indiserimination,
and, with their sins destroyed, plunge into this clear
ambrosial pond of Atman, which is cool on account of
22 For liberation from the Bonds, people forge
(only) fetrers of action like sacrifices, etc.
gaining peace of mind, they indulge in no small thin-
king over the views of hundreds of sages.
to land on the other shore of the ocean of Evil, they
drown themselves in holy places. All this really is
caused by Ignorance on the part of men who suffer
under the delusion of ( or, who have to wander in)
the Samsāra.
23 Having first kissed the feet (of Visņu), and
then having embra ced the ankles, the knees, the thighs,
the navel and the heart, may my contemplativity(ra)
ba sk in the beauty of the lotus-like face of Visņu.
24 May I attain that status in the Highest Soul
( TTAT) which sees no difference between the breeze
wafting over the Malaya and deadly poison, between

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Last Updated : June 02, 2021

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