Bhamini Vilas - Page 44

Bhamini Vilas - Page 44

स्वभावाद्यस्यान्तः स्फुरति ललितोदात्तमहिमा
समर्थी यो नित्यं स जयतितरां कोऽपि पुरुषः ॥ ७८ ॥
वंशभवो गुणवानपि सङ्गविशेषेण पूज्यते पुरुषः ।
न हि तुम्बीफलविकलो वीणादण्डः प्रयाति महिमानम्। ॥७९॥
अमितगुणोऽपि पदार्थों दोषेणैकेन निन्दितो भवति ।
निखिलरसायनमहितो गन्धेनोग्रेण लशुनं इव ॥ ८० ॥
उपकारमेव तनुते विपद्गतः सट्टुणो नितराम् ।
मूच्छी गतो मृतो वा निदर्शनं पारदोऽत्र रसः ॥ ८१ ॥
whose heart the lovely and exalted instinct of magna-
nimity springs forth naturally.
Erer victorious is the indescriba ble word (aga
a ) which abandons its own meaning for the
sa ke of denoting something else, which continuously
possesses in its members unity without difference, in
which the charming and important saa a ccent shines
in its natural place, and which is 'competent.'
79 Though born in a noble family and endowed
with good qualities, a man is only worshipped by
reason of his particular associations. The trunk of the
Vina devoid of the gourds will never attain to any
importance (though it is born of bamboos and provided
with strings ( TU ).
A thing endowed though it be with countless
good qualities, is subjected to
which though respected among all elixirs is yet censur-
ed for its repulsive smell.
censure like garlic
A man possessing good qualities ever hel ps
( others ) even when he is in adversity (himself). An

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Last Updated : June 02, 2021

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