Bhamini Vilas - Page 9

Bhamini Vilas - Page 9

vilāsa. (45) he complacently says that during his youth
he enjoyed the splendid patronage of the Lord of Delhi :
दिल्लीवल्ल भपाणिपल्लवतले नीतं नवीनं वयः । Agein, to the muni-
ficence of the Emperor he pays a warm tribute in the
stanza :
दिल्लीश्वरो वा जगदीश्वरो वा मनोरथान् पूरयितुं सम्थः ।
अन्यैर्नृपालैः परिदीयमानं शाकाय वा स्यालवणाय वा स्यात् ॥
Now, regarding the identity of this Lord of Delhi, there is
a popular belief that it was Akbar who offered patronage to
the Pandit, and therefore Jagannātha was a contemporary
of Akbar. On what evidence this popular view rests it is
not possible to ascertain, But, whatever that evidence, it
is clear that it must be dismissed as unreliable because
it would conflict with the internal evidence furnished
by Jagannātha's works, which unmistakably shows
flourished during the reigns of
Shah Jehan,
the Pandit
the Moghul Emperors Jehangir and
particularly the latter.
In the verse इयामं यज्ञोपवीतं
reference to the Emperor Jehangir. And the highly
laudatory manner in which Jagannātha refers to
Jehangir suggests that the Pandit must have enjoyed
the latter's patronage.
is literally mentioned by Jagannātha as his patron.
Shah Jehan seems
The Emperor Shah Jehan
to have been so much pleased
1 ३यामं यज्ञोपवीतं तव किमिति मषीसंगमात्कुत्र जातः
सोऽयं शीतांशुकन्यापयसि कथमभूत्तव्लं कञ्जलाचम् ।
लक्षाक्षोणाश्रुधारासमुदितसरितां स्ैतः संगमेन ॥
R. G. P. 521.

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Last Updated : June 02, 2021

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