Dictionaries | References


   { siddhiḥ, siddhi }
Script: Devanagari


Puranic Encyclopaedia  | English  English
SIDDHI I   A daughter of Dakṣa. Thirteen daughters including Siddhi were married by Dharmadeva. [Viṣṇu Purāṇa, Aṁśa 1, Chapter 7] .
SIDDHI II   A goddess. Kuntī the mother of the Pāṇḍavas was the human rebirth of this goddess. [M.B. Ādi Parva, Chapter 67, Verse 120] . This goddess Siddhi had walked in front of the army of Subrahmaṇya, in the great battle between the Devas and the asuras. To attain the object in any matter, the blessing of this goddess is essential. [M.B. Śalya Parva, Chapter 46, Verse 64] .
SIDDHI III   The son of an Agni (fire) named Vīra. Siddhi was born to this Vīrāgni, by his wife Sarayū. The story stating how this agni once screened the sun by his radiance, occurs in [Mahābhārata, Śalya Parva, Chapter 218] .


हिन्दी (hindi) WN | Hindi  Hindi
noun  योग या तपस्या के द्वारा प्राप्त होने वाली अलौकिक शक्ति   Ex. स्वामीजी को कई प्रकार की सिद्धियाँ प्राप्त हैं ।
गुण (Quality)अमूर्त (Abstract)निर्जीव (Inanimate)संज्ञा (Noun)
bdतपस्या गोहो
urdروحانی طاقت
noun  प्रमाणित होने की क्रिया   Ex. सिद्धि के बिना किसी पर दोष लगाना उचित नहीं है ।
कार्य (Action)अमूर्त (Abstract)निर्जीव (Inanimate)संज्ञा (Noun)
benপ্রমাণিত হওয়া
urdتصدیق , صداقت , ثبوت , شواہد
noun  योग - साधन के अलौकिक फल   Ex. अणिमा, महिमा, गरिमा, लघिमा, प्राप्ति, प्राकाम्य, ईशित्व और वशित्व ये आठ सिद्धियाँ मानी गई हैं ।
अणिमा महिमा गरिमा लघिमा प्राप्ति प्राकाम्य ईशित्व वशित्व
अमूर्त (Abstract)निर्जीव (Inanimate)संज्ञा (Noun)
urdسِدّھی , وہبی طاقت
noun  गणेश की दो पत्नियों में से एक   Ex. कहा जाता है कि सिद्धि हर प्रकार की सिद्धियाँ देती हैं ।
पौराणिक जीव (Mythological Character)जन्तु (Fauna)सजीव (Animate)संज्ञा (Noun)
See : निपुणता, सफलता, निर्णय


सिद्धि n.  दक्ष प्रजापति की कन्या, जो धर्मऋषि की पत्‍नी थी । इसके पुत्र का नाम सुख था [वायु. १०.२२]
सिद्धि II. n.  भग नामक आदित्य की पत्‍नी [भा. ६.१८.२]
सिद्धि III. n.  एक अग्नि, जो वीर नामक अग्नि का पुत्र था । इसकी माता का नाम सरयू था । इसने अपनी प्रभा से सूर्य को आच्छादित कर दिया था [म. व. २०९.११]
सिद्धि IV. n.  एक देवी, जो कुंती के रूप में पृथ्वी पर अवतीर्ण हुई थी [म. आ. ६१.९८]


A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi  English
. 11 The perfection or accomplishment of mortal existence, viz. emancipation from transmigration, and beatification by absorption into the essence of the Supreme Spirit. 12 Prosperity or success; prosperous and flourishing state. 13 The sixteenth of the astronomical Yogas: also the nineteenth of the twenty-eight astrological Yogas. सिद्धीस आणणें or नेणें To bring or carry to completion or accomplishment.


Aryabhushan School Dictionary | Marathi  English
 f  The fruit of a course of ascetic severities. Completion. Proved state. Readiness.
सिद्धीस नेणें   Bring or carry to completion.


नेपाली (Nepali) WN | Nepali  Nepali
noun  प्रमाणित हुने क्रिया   Ex. सिद्धिबिना कसैलाई दोष लगाउनु उचित होइन
कार्य (Action)अमूर्त (Abstract)निर्जीव (Inanimate)संज्ञा (Noun)
benপ্রমাণিত হওয়া
urdتصدیق , صداقت , ثبوت , شواہد
See : प्रवीणता, सफलता


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English
सिद्धि  f. 1.f. driving off, putting aside, [Yājñ.]
सिद्धि  f. 2.f. (for 1. See p. 1215, col. 1) accomplishment, performance, fulfilment, complete attainment (of any object), success, [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c.
the hitting of a mark (loc.), [Kām.]
healing (of a disease), cure by (comp.), [Yājñ.]
coming into force, validity, ib.
settlement, payment, liquidation (of a debt), [Mn. viii, 47]
establishment, substantiation, settlement, demonstration, proof, indisputable conclusion, result, issue, [RPrāt.] ; [Up.] ; [Sarvad.]
decision, adjudication, determination (of a lawsuit), [W.]
solution of a problem, ib.
preparation, cooking, maturing, maturity, ib.
readiness, [W.]
prosperity, personal success, fortune, good luck, advantage, [Mn.] ; [MBh.] &c.
supreme felicity, bliss, beatitude, complete sanctification (by penance &c.), final emancipation, perfection, [L.]
vanishing, making one's self invisible, [W.]
a magical shoe (supposed to convey the wearer wherever he likes), ib.
अणिमा   the acquisition of supernatural powers by magical means or the sup° faculty so acquired (the eight usually enumerated are given in the following श्लोक, लघिमा प्रा-प्तिः प्राकाम्यम् महिमा तथा ईशित्वं च वशित्वं च तथा कामा-वसायिता; sometimes 26 are added e.g.दूर-श्रवण, सर्वज्ञ-त्व, अग्नि-स्तम्भ &c.), [Sāṃkhyak.] ; [Tattvas.] ; [Sarvad.]
any unusual skill or faculty or capability (often in comp.), [Pañcat.] ; [Kathās.]
skill in general, dexterity, art, [Car.]
efficacy, efficiency, [Kāv.] ; [Pañcat.]
understanding, intellect, [W.]
becoming clear or intelligible (as sounds or words), [BhP.]
(in rhet.) the pointing out in the same person of various good qualities (not usually united), [Sāh.]
(prob.) a work of art, [Rājat. iii, 381]
ऋद्धि   a kind of medicinal root (= or वृद्धि), [L.]
(in music) a partic.श्रुति, [Saṃgīt.]
a partic.योग (either the 16th or 19th), [Col.]
Success or Perfection personified, [MBh.] ; [VarBṛS.]
N. of दुर्गा, [Kathās.]
of a daughter of दक्ष and wife of धर्म, [Pur.]
of the wife of भग and mother of महिमन्, [BhP.]
of a friend of दनु, [Kathās.]
of one of the wives of गणेश, [RTL. 215, 2]
N. of शिव (in this sense m.), [MBh.]


सिद्धिः [siddhiḥ]  f. f. [सिध्-क्तिन्]
Accomplishment, fulfilment, completion, perfection, complete attainment (of an object); विरोधि सिद्धेरिति कर्तुमुद्यतः [Ki.14.8;] क्रियासिद्धिः सत्त्वे भवति महतां नोपकरणे Subhāṣ.
Success, prosperity, welfare, well-being.
Establishment, settlement.
Substantiation, demonstration, proof, indisputable conclusion.
Validity (of a rule, law &c.).
Decision; adjudication, settlement (of a law-suit); कार्यकारण- सिद्धौ च प्रसन्ना बुद्धिरव्यया [Rām.4.18.47;] तस्मान्न लेखसामर्थ्यात् सिद्धिरैकान्तिकी मता [Śukra. 4.726.]
Certainty, truth, accuracy, correctness.
Payment, liquidation (of a debt); अधमर्णार्थसिद्ध्यर्थमुत्तमर्णेन चोदितः [Ms.8.47.]
Preparing, cooking (as of drugs &c.).
The solution of a problem.
Complete purity or sanctification.
A superhuman power of faculty; (these faculties are eight: अणिमा लघिमा प्राप्तिः प्राकाम्यं महिमा तथा । ईशित्वं च वशित्वं च तथा कामावसायिता ॥).
The acquisition of supernatural powers by magical means.
Marvellous skill or capability.
Good effect or result.
Final beatitude, final emancipation.
Understanding, intellect.
Concealment, vanishing, making oneself invisible.
A magical shoe (supposed to convey the wearer wherever he likes).
A kind of Yoga.
 N. N. of Durgā.
Complete knowledge.
Advantage, use, good effect.
 N. N. of Śiva (m. in this sense).
Efficacy, efficiency.
Becoming intelligible (as sounds or words).
(In Rhet.) The pointing out in the same person of various good qualities. -Comp.
-द   a.
granting success or supreme felicity.
giving the eight superhuman faculties; हृदि विनिहितरूपः सिद्धिदस्तद्विदां यः [Māl.5.1.] (-दः) an epithet of Śiva.
-दात्री   an epithet of Durgā.-योगः a particular suspicious conjunction of planets.-विनायकः a form of Gaṇeśa.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English
सिद्धि  f.  (-द्धिः)
1. Fulfilment, accomplishment, the entire completion of any undertaking or attainment of any object.
2. A Yoga, either the sixteenth of the astronomical periods termed Yogas, or the nineteenth of the twenty-eight astrological Yogas.
3. Final emancipation from existence, supreme felicity.
4. Pros- perity, success.
5. Knowledge, understanding.
6. Accuracy, cor- rectness, indisputable conclusion or position.
7. Validity, (in law.)
8. Acquittance, discharge, (of a debt.)
9. Concealment, secreting, covering.
10. The result or fruit of the adoration [Page787-b+ 60] of the gods or of ascetic severities.
11. The supposed acquirement of supernatural powers by the completion of magical, mystical, or alchemical rites and processes.
12. A wooden shoe or slipper, especially one over which some mystical formulæ have been repeated, and which will then, it is supposed, convey the wearer every where safely and rapidly.
13. A medicinal root; also Riddhi.
14. Settlement, establishment.
15. Certainty, truth.
16. Decision, (of a law suit.)
17. The solution of a problem.
18. Pre- paration, cooking.
19. Readiness.
20. Complete sanctification.
21. Beatitude.
22. Marvellous skill or capability.
23. Making oneself invisible.
E. षिध् to accomplish, aff. क्तिन् .
षिध् क्तिन् .

Related Words

ऋद्धि-सिद्धि   यथा अनुष्ठान, तथा सिद्धि   संकल्प आणि सिद्धि यांच्यामध्यें परमेराची इच्छा ठभी असते   सिद्धि   सिद्धि गेली बारावर्षे   अधिकाराची सिद्धि म्हणजे अब्रुची वृद्धि   अष्ट सिद्धि   कामना सिद्धि   कार्य सिद्धि   उद्योगाचे घरीं, ऋद्धि सिद्धि पाणी भरी   मंत्र सिद्धि   यत्न केल्यावर सिद्धि न झाली, दोष नये कपाळीं   वारा पाहून पाठ द्यावी, कार्याची सिद्धि साधावी   समेट ही एक मोठी सिद्धि आहे   स्वर्ण सिद्धि   alchemy   ঋদ্ধি-সিদ্ধি   خوشحالی ومرفہ الحالی   சொத்து - சுகம்   ಸುಖ-ಸಂಪತ್ತು   സുഖ-സ്മപത്ത്   सुखसम्पद्   सूखसंपत्ती   ସୁଖସମୃଦ୍ଧି   રિદ્ધિસિદ્ધિ   సిరిసంపదలు   success   judgement   judgment   judicial decision   preparedopium   ofical preparation   preparation and dosage   सिद्धयात्रिक   सिद्ध्य्   सुख-सम्पत्ति   मनोरथसिद्ध   सिद्धिभूमिमार्ग   सदामुदित   सिद्धवर्ति   सिद्धिक   मोटमान   परिसिद्धिका   ऋद्धिसिद्धि   realisation   अंतर्दृष्टी   सुदीक्षा   आत्मसिद्धि   आक्षेपिणी   कार्य्यार्थसिद्धि   कर्म्मसिद्धि   केवणी   मधुप्रतीका   लुळणें   विघातसिद्धि   रसोल्लासा   preparer   सिद्धाई   सर्व्वसिद्धि   चाणिक्य   तारतार   तारयन्ती   कार्य्यसिद्धि   यज्ञसिद्धि   तोटगा   धिमी पाऊल टाक मैदान मारते   नयसिद्धि   रिद्धि   विघ्नसिद्धि   विजयसिद्धि   अज्ञानास न होय प्राप्ती, करिताही खरी भक्ती   फलसिद्धि   महासिद्धि   महिमत्   द्रव्यसिद्धि   निर्बीज समाधि   क्रतुसिद्धि   वाक्सिद्धि   सिद्ध कलाकार   सोळा कामधेनु   साध्यसिद्धिपाद   ज्याहां   जनाब, देहली तो बहोत दूर है   चिंता करना   अभिमानें संकटें येती, दिमाखानें आशा भंग होती   कर्णपिशाच्च   अवसणें   (एखाद्याच्या घरीं) रिद्धिसिद्धि पाणी भरणें   बिसालपतपन्हा   यत्न करुन पाहावा, फळ देवाधीन   संतोषी माँ   स्वार्थसिद्धि   खेचरी मुद्रा   खेचरी   तांत्रिक प्रयोग   अर्थसिद्धि   कुंभरेतस्   प्राकाम्यम्   त्रिशक्ति   शितावरुन भाताची परीक्षा   
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