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शब्दकोश - प्रशासन
Type: Dictionary
Count : 4,156 (Approx.)
Language: English  Marathi

audited statement of accounts   audit note   audit of accounts   Audit report   authentic copy   authenticity of orders   author card   author catalogue   authorised expenditure   authority note   authorization certificate number   autonomous body   autonomous institutions   auxiliary and inaian teritorial forces   Availability of funds   available capital   avail oneself of   average pay calculation   average rate of exchange   average value   avoidable delay   await cases   await further comments   await further report   await papers   await reply   award of stipend   background of the case   back in possession   back payment   Bad climate allowance   bad in law   badly infested   badly neglected   bail for good conduct   balanced development   balance in hand   Balance sheet   bank clause   bank pass-book   bankruptcy and insolvency   bar of limitation   barred by limitation   bar to certain proceedings   bar to interference   based on actuals   based on facts and figures   basic obligations   Basic pay   basis of calculations   be alive to ones responsibility   bearer cheque   be cautious   become familiar with   become payable to   become subject to   before due date   before i pass final order in this case i would like to have the report of   before the expiration of   before the pay and accounts officer is addressed accordingly the papers may be shown unofficially to the finance department   beg to be excused for   beg to state   being aggrieved by   below department papers bearing file no regarding   below par   below the minimum of the time scale   benefit of non-postponement of increment for the leave enjoyed   besides this   betterment charges   Betterment levy   betting and gambling   beyond control   beyond the said period   beyond the scope of   biased opinion   bibliographical classification   bilateral agreement   bill cashed on   bill disbursed on   bill form   bill of costs   bill of entry   Bill of exchange   bill of leading   bill on simple receipt   Bill register   bills discounted   bills first and final   bills first and running   bills receivable and payable   bills relating to imposition by legislation of punishment   bills running account   bill then pending   bill to be paid by transfer credit   birbery and corruption   birth date certificate   bi-weekly statement   boarding in a hotel   bodily injury   body corporate   bogus voucher   bona fide act   bonafide resident   bonafide student   bone of contention   book adjustment   book adjustment slip   book-balance   books of accounts   Book value   border customs post   borne on books   borne on state cadre   both days inclusive   bounded by   bounded on the north by   bounded over to be   bound to accept   bound to be   breach of condition   breach of contract   breach of discipline   breach of order   breach of peace   breach trust   breake in service   breaking point   brief explanatory note   briefly the proposal is that   brief note is placed below   bring forward   bring to notice   broad-based training   broadly speaking   broad period   budget estimates   budget head   budget head to which the cost of the indent is debitable   budget provision   budget sanction   budget statement   building up the account   built up area   bulk of expenditure   burden of proof   business hours   business of government   business of meeting   but not exceeding... in any case   by air mail   by all means   by any means   by any other mean   by authority of   by beat of drums   by certain date   by dishonest means   by force   by instalments   by law   by lots   by means of   by no means   by order   by order and in the name of the governor of maharashtra   by reason of   by return of post   by special messenger   by undue influence   by virtue of   by virtue of higher start given to him   by way of   cabinetresponsibility   cadre post   calculate expenses   calculating machine   calculation has been duly verified   calculation of seniority   calculations and rates checked   calculations checked by me   calendar month   calendar of returns   calendar of statement   calendar year   call for remarks   Calling attention notice   call in question   call number   call of duty   call out on duty   call upon   camp equipment   camp site of border patrols   cancellation of allotment   cancellation of passport   cancellation of registration   cancellation of service   cancelled refund authorised   candidates should be given to understand that their appointment is on trial   cannot cope with the rush of work   capable of executing the work   Capital account   capital appreciation   Capital cost   Capital expenditure   Capitalised value   Capital outlay   Capitation grant   cardinal principle   care of   caretaker government   carried over   carry forward   carry forward the balance   carrying capacity   carry into effect   carry on   carry out   carry out the purpose   carry responsibility   carry through   cartage of kit   carte balance   case asjourned   case-diary   case file   case fixed for   case is remanded for fresh disposal/further report   case is to be reviewed   case may be heard and determined in his absence   case of extreme urgency   case papers   case pending final disposal   case pending submission   case register   case relates to   case sheet and history sheet   case should be dealt with promptly   case should be kept pending till   case which are likely to affect the good government of the scheduled areas   cash account   cash allowance   cash balance   cash balance report   cashed and disbursed   cash in hand of treasurer   cash on hand   cash purchases   cash remittance   cash-security   cash transcation   cash under double lock   cash under single lock   caste a vote   castes and creeds   casting vote   casual employment   casual leave granted   casualty ward   casual vacancies   casus belli   catalogue of books   catchment-area   categorization into classes   cause and effect   cause delay   cause of action   causes betond control   cause to have effect   Caution money   caution notice   ceases to hold office   cease to hold office   cease to operate   ceiling rate   census book   cent per cent   Central assistance   centrally aided scheme   centrally assisted scheme   centrally sponsored scheme   ceremonial parade   certificate be amended   certificate of approval   certificate of eligibility   certificate of fitness   certificate of identity   certificate of insurance   certificate of naturalisation   certificate of of appointment   Certificate of posting   certificate of registration   certificate of taxation   certification of shares   certification of standing orders   certified auditor   certified copy   certified that   cessation of hostilities   cession of property   ceteris paribus   challenged votes   change of daily allowance into railway mileage   channel of correspondence   character and antecedents of government servant   Character certificate   character roll   Charge allowance   charge assumption   charged appropriations   Charged expenditure   charged involved in the proposal is debitable to the head and met from the provision made thereunder   charge for services rendered in connection with   charge of office/post   charge relinquishment   charge report   charge-sheet   checked and found correct   checked by   check measurements   check the draft   cheques to be drawn in favour of officers   circulate and then file   circulate the precis   circulate to the staff and file   circumstances exist which render it necessary   circumstances of extreme urgency   circumstantial evidence   civil employ   civil iunatic   Civil list   civil list reserve fund   civil pay   civil posts   civil proceedings   claim accepted   claim deduction under section   claim of an abviously unsubstantial character   claims of goverbment servants joining war service for seniority   claims of reimbursement admissible under these rules   clarification sought   class cadre   classification into grades for purpose of tracelling allowance   classification of overheads by periods   classification of posts   classification of receipts and expenditure   classification of record   classified abstract of payment   classified abstract of receipts   classified catalogue   class of accommodation   clean copy   clearance list   clearance of arrears   clearicl error   clearly and strictlyadmissible under rule no   clearly unjust   climate allowance   close an account   close co-operation   closed estate accounts   closed file   close supervision   Closing balance   closing of accounts   Clothing allowance   clothing and equipment   coat of arms   code of discipline   codification of rules   cognizable and non-cognizable offences   cognizable offence   cognizance of offences   coinage account   collateral evidence   collection and compilation of data   collection charges   collective farming   collective responsibility   collective responsible   collimation error   colloquial standard examination   colloquial test   combination of appoinments   combined return   come in the way of   come into force   come into operation   command pay   commission of an offence   commission of the act charged as an offence   commit irregularity   committed expenditure   common cadre   common good   common intention   common interest   common law   common seal   common to all   communal bias   communal repersentation   communal roster   communication addressed by mail   communication referred to in the preceding note   community hygience   commutation of pension   commutation of rights   commuted leave   comparative statement   compared by   compare with the corresponding forecast of the preceding year   comparing of account   Compassionate allowance   compassionate gratuity   compensation for damage   compensation for loss   compensation for the use and occupation   compensation pension   compensatory cost of living allowance   compensatory local allowance   competency certificate holder   Competent Authority   Competitive examination   competitive price   compilationand publication of   compilation of accounts   compilation of data   compilation sorting   Completion certificate   completion of work   compliance report   complicated problem   complied with   complimentary copy   complimentary pass   comply with   comply with the requirments   composition manure pits   compound a case   compound offence   comprehensive data   comprehensive risk   compulsorily recalled from leave   compulsory acquisition of property   compulsory education   compulsory waiting   compuslory retirement   concessional period   conclusive proof   concrete cases   concurrence of the finance department has been obtained   concurrent jurisdiction   conditional acceptance   conditional reservation   condition of eligibility   condition precedent to promotion   conditions imposed   conditions of labour and amenities for labour   conditions of service   conditions of supply   conditions tenure   condone a deficiency   conduct and behaviour record   conduct enquiry   conduct of business   conduct of civil litigation to which government is a party   conduct rules   conduct the case   confer a right   confer power   confer the status of a natural child   confidential record   confidential report   confined to office   confirm an order   confirmation in a post   confirmed report   confiscated amount   conflicting views   confuidential remarks   connected file   connected papers   connected with   cononation of break of service   consecutive days   consequently it has been decided that   consequent posting   consequent to   consequent upon the revision of payscales   conservancy charges   conservative estimate of the expenses   consideration of claims   consider on merit   consider the norm or norms   consistent with   consolidated fund   consolidated leave   consolidated return   consolidation of holdings   
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  • मराठी भाषा - श्री. संजय भगत
  • परिभाषा कोश १ मे १९६० रोजी महाराष्ट्र राज्याची स्थापना झाल्यानंतर राजभाषा मराठीचा शासन व्यवहारात वापर करण्याबाबतचे धोरण राबविण्यासाठी शासन निर्णय, सामान्य प्रशासन विभाग,क्रमांक ओएफएल-११५९ बी दिनांक ६ जुलै १९६० अन्वये भाषा संचालनालयाची स्थापना करण्यात आली. मराठी राजभाषा असल्याचे घोषित करणारा कायदा विधानमंडळात मंजूर होऊन दिनांक ११ जानेवारी, १९६५ रोजी महाराष्ट्र राजपत्रातून जाहीर झाला व तदन्वये मराठीचा राज्य कारभारात जास्तीत जास्त वापर करण्याचे ठरले. राजभाषा मराठीविषयक शासनाचे धोरण राबवताना आधुनिक तंत्रज्ञानाद्वारे विविध विषयावरील शास्त्रीय व तांत्रिक परिभाषा कोश तयार करणे, शासन व्यवहारासाठी आवश्यक परिभाषा घडविणे, शब्दावल्या तयार करणे हे भाषा संचालनालयाचे महत्वाचे उद्दिष्ट आहे!

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