Dictionaries | References


शब्दकोश - पदनाम
Type: Dictionary
Count : 3,142 (Approx.)
Language: English  Marathi

Accommodation Inspector   Accommodation Officer   Accountant   Accounts Assistant   Accounts Clerk   Accounts cum Administrative Officer   Accounts General   Accounts Officer   Accounts Section   Accounts Training Centre   Adjudicator   Administration Clerk   Administrative Medical Officer   Administrative Member   Administrative Officer   Administrative Staff College   Administrator   Administrator General and Official Trustee   Adrema Operator   Advertisement Manager   Advertising and Public Relations Section   Adviser   advisor   Advisor in Scouting and Guiding   Advisory Board   advocate general   Aeromodelling Instructor   Agent of Treasurer of Charitable Endowments, India   Agricultural assistant   Agricultural Bacteriologist, Biological Nitrogen Fixation Scheme   Agricultural Chemist   Agricultural College   Agricultural Development Officer   Agricultural Economist   agricultural engineer   Agricultural Entomologist   Agricultural Extension Officer   Agricultural Farm Manager   Agricultural Information Officer   Agricultural instructor   Agricultural Iron and Steel supply   Agricultural Kamgar   Agricultural Land Tribunal   Agricultural Officer   Agricultural Overseer   Agricultural Produce Market Committee   Agricultural Requisite Supply Co-operative Society   Agricultural Research sub-committee   agricultural school   Agricultural Servant   Agricultural Supervisor   Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, Dairy Development and Fisheries Department   Agro Industrial Co-operative Slociety   Agronomist   Aide-de-Camp   Aided School   Air compressor driller   Air compressor Driver   Air Pollution Abatement, Automobile Combustion Controlling Engineer   Air Pollution Abatement, Chemical Plant Inspection Engineer   Air Pollution Abatement, Combustion Controlling Engineer   Air Pollution Abatement Engineer   Air Pollution Assistant Engineer   Alienation Office and Peshwa Daftar   Allied Trade Instructor   Ambulance Attendant   Ambulance Cleaner   Ambulance Driver   Anaesthetist   Anaesthetist and Tutor in Anaesthesia   analyser   analyst   Analytical Chemist   Anatomy Clerk   Anglo Indian School   Animal Attendant   Animal House Keeper   Animal Husbandry cum Dairy Project Officer   Animal Husbandry Officer   Animal Husbandry Specialist   Animal Keeper   Animal Nutrition Officer   Animal Servant   Antenatal Clinic   Anthropological Assistant   Anti Malaria Attendant   Anti Malaria Squad   Anti Rabic Treatment Department   Anti Rabie Clerk   Anti T.B.Centre   Appeal Clerk   Appellate Committee of State Transport Authority   Appellate Court   Appellate Officer   Appraisal Division   Appraiser   Apprentice   Apprentice Advisor   Aquarium   Aquarium Keeper   Aquarium Supervisor   Arbitrator   Archaeological Assistant   Archaeological Museum   Architect   Architectural Assistant   Architectural Draftsman   archives   Archivist   Area Office   Area Organiser (Tribal Development Department)   Armature Winder   Armed Constable   Armed Head Constable Grade I   Armed Head Constable Grade II   Armed Inspector   Armourer   Art Designer   Art Editor   Art Executive   Artificial Insemination Centre   Artificial Insemination Officer   Art Instructor   Artisan   Artist   Artist Photographer   Art Master   Ashram school   Assembler   Assembly Fitter   Assessment Clerk   assessor   assistant   Assistant Light Keeper   Assistant Rinderpest Officer   Assistant Secretary   Assistant Taxing Master and Assistant Commissioner   Assistant working Plan Officer   associate   Associate Professor   Attached Officer   Attendant   Attesting Officer   attorney general   Audio Visual Assistant   Audit and Accounts Officer   audit board   Audit Officer   auditor   Auditor General   Auger Operator   Authorised Auditor   Authority under the Minimum Wages Act   Authority under the payment of Wages Act   Auto Auxiliary   Auto Electrician   Auto Fitter   Auto Fly Boy   auto flyman   Auto Instructor   Auto Mechanic   Automobile Engineer   Automobile Mechanic   Auto Offset Machineman   Auto Offset Printer   Auxiliary Cadet Corps Officer   Auxiliary Hand   Auxiliary Nurse   Aviation Advisor   Ayurvedic Hospital   Ayurvedic Inspector   Ayurvedic Specialist   Ayurvedic Specialist Medical Officer   B.C.G. Supervising Officer   B.C.G. Team Leader   B.C.G. Technician   Bacteriological and Entomological Assistant   Bacteriologist   Bakery Instructor   Banana Development Officer   Band Instructor   Band Major   Band Master   Bany Boy   bar association   Basic Health Worker   Basic Primary Training College   Basic Training College   Battalion Commander   Battery Attendant   Battery Charger   Battery Peon   Battery Peon cum Cleaner   Bearer   Beat Duty Head Constable   beat-guard   Beat Inspector   Bee Fieldman   Bellows Boy   Bench Fitter   Benchman   Bench Mechanic   Bill Accountant   Bill and Budget Clerk   Bill Card Clerk   Bill Clerk   Bill Collector   Binder   Binder boy   Binding Foreman   Binding Overseer   Biologist   Bio-Science Statistician   blacksmith   Blacksmith and Moulder   Blacksmith Helper   Blacksmith Instructor   blaster   Blasting Van Driver   Blind Masseur   Block   Block Attendant   Block Development Committee   Block Development Office   Block Development Officer   Block Level Supervisor   Block Librarian   Blood Bank   Blood Bank Assistant   Blood Bank Technician   Blood Transfusion Officer   Blue Printer   Blue Print Maker   Board Clerk   Board of Conciliation   board of revenue   Board of Technical Examination   Body Fitter   Boiler Assistant   Boiler Attendant   Boiler Attendant cum Bulk Sterilizer Operator   Boiler Chareman   Boilerman   Bombay Building Repairs and Reconstruction Board   Bombay Metropolitan Region Development Authority   Book Attendant   Book Bearer   Book Binder   Book Depot Supervisor   Booking Assistant   Booking Clerk   Booking Supervisor   Books Clerk   Border Police Inspector   Boring Assistant   Boring Khalasi   Boring Mechanic   Boring Mukadam   Boring Operator   Bosun   Botanial Assistant   Bottle Checker   Bottle Checker cum Cold Stoprage Clerk   Boundary Mark Clerk   Boy Constable   Boy Peon   Boy Waiter   Bradma Operator   Braille Instructor   Branch   branch manager   Branch Veterinary Dispensary   Brander   Branding Inspector   Brazer   Brevet Jamadar   Budget Clerk   Budget Officer   Bugler   Building Clerk   Building Works Mistry   Bull Attendant   Bull Caretaker   Bulldozer Driver   Bullock Attendant   Bullock Man   Bunglow Chowkidar   Bureau of Economics and Statistics   Bus Conductor   Bus Drier   Business Advisory Committee   Business Development Section   Business Manager   Cabin Attendant   Cadastral Surveyor   Calendering and Finishing Master   Calf boy   Calf Operator   Caligraphist   Call boy   Camera Attemdant   Cameraman   Campaign Officer   Camp Clerk   Canal Chowkidar   Canal Dak Runner   Canal Deputy Collector   Canal Inspector   Canal Tapali   Cane Work Instructor   Capital Participation Scheme Section   Capstan Lathe Operator   Captain Superintendent, Training Ship   cardio-thoracic unit   Car Driver   Career Master   Caretaker   Careworker   Carpenter Instructor   Carpenter Mate   Carpenter Mistry   Carpenter Peon   carpentry instructor   Carpentry Supervisor   Carpet, Draperies and Newar Machine Instructor   Cartman   Cartographer   Case Worker   Case Work Foreman   Cash Accountant   Cash Allowance Clerk   Cashewnut Development Officer   cashier   Caster Attendant   Casual Guide   Casual Operator   Casual Ticket Seller   Casualty Medical Officer   Casulty Department   Cataloguer   Catering Superintendent   Catering Supervisor   Cattle Attendant   Cattle Byre Supervisor   Cattle Development Officer   Cattle Registration Officer   Cattle Sterility Officer   Cell   Cement Gauger   Cement Inspector   Census Clerk   Central Anaesthetic Department   Central Clinical Laboratory   Central Hatchery   Central Jail Press   Central Museum   Central Poultry Breeding Station   Central Record Clerk   Central Region Storage and Marketing Structures Sectional Committee of the Indian Standards Institution   Central Social Welfare Board   Central Workshop   Centre Manager   Centre Salesman   Centre Sub-Registrar   Certificate Clerk   Certifying Officer   Certifying Surgeon   Chainman   Chairman   Chalan Clerk   Chancellor   Chara Cutter   Chargeman   Charity Commissioner   chartered accountant   chaser   Chawl Superintendent   checker   Checking Guard   Cheese Research Assistant   Chemical Analyser   Chemical Assistant   Chemical Attendant   Chemical Clerk   Chemical Inspector of Factories   Chemical Mistry   Chemical Plant Inspection Enineer   chemist   Chief Accounts Officer   Chief Artist   Chief Assessment Officer   Chief Auditor   Chief Chemist   Chief Conservator of Forests   Chief Cotton Development and Grading Officer   Chief Election Commissioner   Chief Electrol Officer   Chief Enbgineer   Chief Ground Engineer   Chief Inspector   Chief Instructor   Chief Instructor in Agricultural Workshop Wing, Gramsevak Training Centre   Chief Instructress   Chief Irrigation Utilization Officer   Chief Judge   Chief Justice   Chief Medical Officer   Chief Metropolitan Magistrates' Courts   Chief Minister   Chief Officer   Chief Operator   Chief Pilot   Chief Police Prosecutor   Chief Ports LOfficer   Chief Secretary   Chief Surveyor and Draftsman   Chief Translator and Interpreter   Children's Film Society   Chit Auditor   Chlorinator   Cholera Supervisor   Chromo Artist   Cinema Projector Operator   Circle Inspector   Circuit Court   City and Industrial Development Corporation Ltd.   City Civil and Sessions Court   City Food Advisory Committee   City Survey Office   City Survey Officer   Civil Accounts officer   Civil Appeal Clerk   Civil Appellate Court   Civil Defence Section   Civil hospital   Civil Jail Guard   Civil Judge and Judicial Magistrate   Civil Judge, Junior Division   Civil Judge, Senior Division   Civil Overseer   Civil Suit Clerk   Civil Surgeon   Claim Settlement Officer   Claims Inspector   Clearance Inspector   Clearance List Head Clerk   Clearance Supervisor   Clerk   Clerk of Court   Clerk of Court and Interpreter   Clinic   Clinical Assistant   Clinical Unit   Clock Repairer   Clock Repairs Attendant   Coal Mazdoor   Coastal Engineer   Coastal Region Storage and Marketing Structures Committee   Coding Assistant (Fisheries)   Coir Development Officer   Coir Supervisor   collaborator   Collector   Collectorate/Collector's Office   College of Architecture   College of Arts   College of Engineering   College of Science   Colonial Court of Admiralty   Colony Supervisor   Colour Photographer   Commandant   Command Area Development Authority   Commanding Officer   Commender   Commerce College   Commercial Intelligence Officer   Commercial Publicity Inspector   Commercial School   commissioner   Commissioner for Workmen's Compensation   Commission Vendor   Committee for Planning the Development of Forest Labourers' Cooperative Society   Committee for sponsoring the movement of agricultural produce belonging to the Co-operative Societies on Central, Western and So   Committee on Absence of Members from the Sittings of the House   Committee on Government Assurance   Committee on Private Members' Bills and Resolutions   Committee on the Welfare of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes, Vimukta Jatis and Nomadic Tribes   Community Centre Organiser   Community Development Block   Company Commandant   Company Commander   Company Orderly   Company Quarter Master Sergeant   Company Sergeant Major   Compensation Officer   Competent Authority   Competent Officer   Compilation Clerk   compiler   
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  • मराठी भाषा - श्री. संजय भगत
  • परिभाषा कोश १ मे १९६० रोजी महाराष्ट्र राज्याची स्थापना झाल्यानंतर राजभाषा मराठीचा शासन व्यवहारात वापर करण्याबाबतचे धोरण राबविण्यासाठी शासन निर्णय, सामान्य प्रशासन विभाग,क्रमांक ओएफएल-११५९ बी दिनांक ६ जुलै १९६० अन्वये भाषा संचालनालयाची स्थापना करण्यात आली. मराठी राजभाषा असल्याचे घोषित करणारा कायदा विधानमंडळात मंजूर होऊन दिनांक ११ जानेवारी, १९६५ रोजी महाराष्ट्र राजपत्रातून जाहीर झाला व तदन्वये मराठीचा राज्य कारभारात जास्तीत जास्त वापर करण्याचे ठरले. राजभाषा मराठीविषयक शासनाचे धोरण राबवताना आधुनिक तंत्रज्ञानाद्वारे विविध विषयावरील शास्त्रीय व तांत्रिक परिभाषा कोश तयार करणे, शासन व्यवहारासाठी आवश्यक परिभाषा घडविणे, शब्दावल्या तयार करणे हे भाषा संचालनालयाचे महत्वाचे उद्दिष्ट आहे!

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